Set Design by Art Ornelas

26 Miles by Quiara Alegría Hudes
Main Street Theater - Houston
Photos and Video by Art Ornelas / Ricornel Productions

Floor Design

Mountain Design

Car Design

Video Promotions

Sneak peak of load in

The Making of the Car

Play Video
Play Video

Archive Photos

Or, by Liz Duffy Adams
Main Street Theater - Houston
Scenic painting by Art Ornelas

Floor Design

Poster Design

Pop Art Design

Archive Photos

Don't Drink the Water by Woody Allen
Country Playhouse - Houston
Scenic painting by Art Ornelas

1/4 " Model


Archive Photos

Clara's Play by John Olive
Earnest Holley Memorial Theater - Houston
Scenic painting by Art Ornelas

Floor Plan



Archive Photos

Marisol by Pedro Calderón de la Barca
Unheard Voices - University of Houston
Scenic painting by Art Ornelas
Photos by Art Ornelas

Archive Photos

The Gold by Philip Yosowitz
Arts with an Impact
Photos by Art Ornelas / Ricornel Productions

Archive Photos

Life is a Dream by Pedro Calderón de la Barca
Theatre Collide


Set Design by Art Ornelas

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